SmoovC wrote:I can see the adjuster on the vehicle for the low beam only, as you stated. I am thrilled to know that you have verified that this works for the low beams only, as they are way to low to be of any use, especially after lowering the car.
I am still wondering what the relationship between the high beam adjuster and the cable that runs out of that adjuster actually does. One can see gears on the cable, and then the cable runs to an unknown location, presumably to the low beam?
I would be curious as to how many turns you made on the low beam adjuster, and if losing the white plastic cap has any negative effects on staying in adjustment. I don't think the auto leveling would be adversly affected, as it still see 0 degrees as it is calibrated from the Factory, and adjusting the low beam mechanical "0 degrees" reference point actually results in the car thinking the beam is lower than it is physically.
Also, how do they look and feel on the road? Thanks for your input, axefire.
NP - The lows are MUCH better after adjusting for sure. But again I'd like them a little higher but it's better.
It takes many many MANY turns to see a change. Again park in front of a wall, mark the lights, then start cranking. Use a BIG Phillips head screw driver (again) or else you will strip the gears.
Remember if you're approx. 10 to 15 feet from the wall, 1 inch higher equates to a significant rise at a greater distance. Is all relative...
I actually used a three pronged grabber/pincher thingy to catch the white cap. You can also use a narrow/long flat head screw driver to catch and/or pull off the white cap cause it has 3 notches on the top. but I just shoved my screw driver in there with the cap on and cranked it - the cap came off one side, loosened on the other but didn't come off. When I was done I just pushed them back on. Not sure about losing one, I don't think it would matter too much, I think they just protect the metal gear/adjuster from the weather, they may rust or corrode after a few years without the caps???
Oh, and I believe that cable connected to what you're calling the high beam adjuster is not really the high beam adjuster - it's the low beam AFS left/right turning gear. The height gears are within the light housing (I believe). But again, that cable and gear you're looking at are for left/right AFS I believe....